Source code for spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.reverse_ip_tag_multi_cast_source

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The University of Manchester
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from pacman.model.resources import (
    CPUCyclesPerTickResource, DTCMResource, ResourceContainer,
from pacman.model.constraints.placer_constraints import BoardConstraint
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models.impl import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import SDP_PORTS
from .reverse_ip_tag_multicast_source_machine_vertex import (
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
    AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, AbstractHasAssociatedBinary)
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import ExecutableType
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities import globals_variables

[docs]class ReverseIpTagMultiCastSource( ApplicationVertex, AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification, AbstractHasAssociatedBinary, AbstractProvidesOutgoingPartitionConstraints, ProvidesKeyToAtomMappingImpl): """ A model which will allow events to be injected into a SpiNNaker\ machine and converted into multicast packets. """ def __init__( self, n_keys, label=None, constraints=None, max_atoms_per_core=sys.maxsize, # General parameters board_address=None, # Live input parameters receive_port=None, receive_sdp_port=SDP_PORTS.INPUT_BUFFERING_SDP_PORT.value, receive_tag=None, receive_rate=10, # Key parameters virtual_key=None, prefix=None, prefix_type=None, check_keys=False, # Send buffer parameters send_buffer_times=None, send_buffer_partition_id=None, # Extra flag for input without a reserved port reserve_reverse_ip_tag=False): """ :param n_keys: The number of keys to be sent via this multicast source :type n_keys: int :param label: The label of this vertex :type label: str :param constraints: Any initial constraints to this vertex :type constraints: \ iterable(~pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint) :param max_atoms_per_core: :type max_atoms_per_core: int :param board_address: The IP address of the board on which to place\ this vertex if receiving data, either buffered or live (by\ default, any board is chosen) :type board_address: str or None :param receive_port: The port on the board that will listen for\ incoming event packets (default is to disable this feature; set a\ value to enable it) :type receive_port: int or None :param receive_sdp_port: The SDP port to listen on for incoming event\ packets (defaults to 1) :type receive_sdp_port: int :param receive_tag: The IP tag to use for receiving live events\ (uses any by default) :type receive_tag: IPTag :param receive_rate: The estimated rate of packets that will be sent\ by this source :type receive_rate: float :param virtual_key: The base multicast key to send received events\ with (assigned automatically by default) :type virtual_key: int :param prefix: The prefix to "or" with generated multicast keys\ (default is no prefix) :type prefix: int :param prefix_type: Whether the prefix should apply to the upper or\ lower half of the multicast keys (default is upper half) :type prefix_type: ~spinnman.messages.eieio.EIEIOPrefix :param check_keys: True if the keys of received events should be\ verified before sending (default False) :type check_keys: bool :param send_buffer_times: An array of arrays of times at which keys\ should be sent (one array for each key, default disabled) :type send_buffer_times: \ numpy.ndarray(numpy.ndarray(numpy.int32)) or \ list(numpy.ndarray(numpy.int32)) or None :param send_buffer_partition_id: The ID of the partition containing\ the edges down which the events are to be sent :type send_buffer_partition_id: str or None :param reserve_reverse_ip_tag: \ Extra flag for input without a reserved port :type reserve_reverse_ip_tag: bool """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals super(ReverseIpTagMultiCastSource, self).__init__( label, constraints, max_atoms_per_core) # basic items self._n_atoms = n_keys # Store the parameters for EIEIO self._board_address = board_address self._receive_port = receive_port self._receive_sdp_port = receive_sdp_port self._receive_tag = receive_tag self._receive_rate = receive_rate self._virtual_key = virtual_key self._prefix = prefix self._prefix_type = prefix_type self._check_keys = check_keys self._reverse_iptags = None if receive_port is not None or reserve_reverse_ip_tag: self._reverse_iptags = [ReverseIPtagResource( port=receive_port, sdp_port=receive_sdp_port, tag=receive_tag)] if board_address is not None: self.add_constraint(BoardConstraint(board_address)) # Store the send buffering details self._send_buffer_times = self._validate_send_buffer_times( send_buffer_times) self._send_buffer_partition_id = send_buffer_partition_id # Store the buffering details self._reserve_reverse_ip_tag = reserve_reverse_ip_tag # Store recording parameters self._is_recording = False # Keep the vertices for resuming runs self._machine_vertices = list() def _validate_send_buffer_times(self, send_buffer_times): if send_buffer_times is None: return None if len(send_buffer_times) and hasattr(send_buffer_times[0], "__len__"): if len(send_buffer_times) != self._n_atoms: raise ConfigurationException( "The array or arrays of times {} does not have the " "expected length of {}".format( send_buffer_times, self._n_atoms)) return send_buffer_times @property @overrides(ApplicationVertex.n_atoms) def n_atoms(self): return self._n_atoms
[docs] @overrides(ApplicationVertex.get_resources_used_by_atoms) def get_resources_used_by_atoms(self, vertex_slice): send_buffer_times = self._send_buffer_times if send_buffer_times is not None and len(send_buffer_times): if hasattr(send_buffer_times[0], "__len__"): send_buffer_times = send_buffer_times[ vertex_slice.lo_atom:vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1] sim = globals_variables.get_simulator() container = ResourceContainer( sdram=ReverseIPTagMulticastSourceMachineVertex.get_sdram_usage( send_buffer_times, self._is_recording, sim.machine_time_step, self._receive_rate, self._n_atoms), dtcm=DTCMResource( ReverseIPTagMulticastSourceMachineVertex.get_dtcm_usage()), cpu_cycles=CPUCyclesPerTickResource( ReverseIPTagMulticastSourceMachineVertex.get_cpu_usage()), reverse_iptags=self._reverse_iptags) return container
@property def send_buffer_times(self): """ When messages will be sent. """ return self._send_buffer_times @send_buffer_times.setter def send_buffer_times(self, send_buffer_times): self._send_buffer_times = send_buffer_times for (vertex_slice, vertex) in self._machine_vertices: send_buffer_times_to_set = self._send_buffer_times # pylint: disable=len-as-condition if (self._send_buffer_times is not None and len(self._send_buffer_times)): if hasattr(self._send_buffer_times[0], "__len__"): send_buffer_times_to_set = self._send_buffer_times[ vertex_slice.lo_atom:vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1] vertex.send_buffer_times = send_buffer_times_to_set
[docs] def enable_recording(self, new_state=True): self._is_recording = new_state
[docs] @overrides(AbstractProvidesOutgoingPartitionConstraints. get_outgoing_partition_constraints) def get_outgoing_partition_constraints(self, partition): return partition.pre_vertex.get_outgoing_partition_constraints( partition)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_file_name) def get_binary_file_name(self): return 'reverse_iptag_multicast_source.aplx'
[docs] @overrides(AbstractHasAssociatedBinary.get_binary_start_type) def get_binary_start_type(self): return ExecutableType.USES_SIMULATION_INTERFACE
[docs] @overrides(AbstractGeneratesDataSpecification.generate_data_specification) def generate_data_specification(self, spec, placement): placement.vertex.generate_data_specification(spec, placement)
[docs] @overrides(ApplicationVertex.create_machine_vertex) def create_machine_vertex( self, vertex_slice, resources_required, # @UnusedVariable label=None, constraints=None): send_buffer_times = self._send_buffer_times if send_buffer_times is not None and len(send_buffer_times): if hasattr(send_buffer_times[0], "__len__"): send_buffer_times = send_buffer_times[ vertex_slice.lo_atom:vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1] vertex = ReverseIPTagMulticastSourceMachineVertex( n_keys=vertex_slice.n_atoms, label=label, constraints=constraints, board_address=self._board_address, receive_port=self._receive_port, receive_sdp_port=self._receive_sdp_port, receive_tag=self._receive_tag, receive_rate=self._receive_rate, virtual_key=self._virtual_key, prefix=self._prefix, prefix_type=self._prefix_type, check_keys=self._check_keys, send_buffer_times=send_buffer_times, send_buffer_partition_id=self._send_buffer_partition_id, reserve_reverse_ip_tag=self._reserve_reverse_ip_tag) vertex.enable_recording(self._is_recording) self._machine_vertices.append((vertex_slice, vertex)) return vertex
def __repr__(self): return self._label